This is the time you've been asking for your whole life.

We've just been handed a gift.

Hear me out.

Social distancing and self-quarantining, bars and restaurants are closed, sports canceled. We're all in our homes, with nothing to do.

What does all that mean? It means that while this time is scary and uncertain for all of us, it also provides a unique opportunity.

We've been handed the gift of time.

This is not meant to downplay or minimize this virus. It’s very real and needs to be taken seriously. But while we’re all doing our part by working from home and refraining from crowds, we have a unique opportunity to leverage this time to work in our advantage – but using it to do the things we’ve always said we wanted to do.

We could use this time to binge-watch The Office, again. Or we could use the time to FINALLY work on that business idea we've had for years.

We could use this time to get ahead of our competitors and launch the grand idea we've let percolate for years. We could even use this time to develop the idea we haven't had the time to come up with yet.

I want to help you do this. I want you to use this time to get ahead. To level up and become the person you've been telling yourself you want to be since you were a kid.

This is it. This is the opportunity you've been begging for your whole life.

This is the time you've wanted, the reason you haven't launched your business yet.

Are you going to take it? Or are you going to binge-watch The Office AGAIN?

So, to help you and myself use this time productively, I'm launching a 14-day online course to get you launch-ready. We're going to talk about everything your business needs. Even how to come up with the grand idea in the first place.

Digital Marketing, Creativity, Money Habits and Mindsets, Mindset Changes to Keep a Clear Head, Creativity and Creative Problem Solving, Strategy and Negotiation, are just a few of the topics we'll cover in 14 days.

There will be live Q&A's, discussions, and daily lessons and videos to get you where you need to be by the time we can all come out of our caves.

If nothing else, it'll give you something to do for 14 days while we all hunker down.

Will you receive this gift? Will you receive the gift of time? That thing you've been begging for your whole life?

Sealevel Agency®

Sealevel Agency builds exquisite websites for small businesses with big ideas.

How to Use This Time to Start Your Business with Mike Barugel


Customizing the Horizontal Line in Squarespace