What's the Sealevel Advantage?

Something happens when you're high above or far below sea level.

Maybe it's in the moment you finally pop your ears; maybe it's the journey of the ascent or descent; maybe it's the change in perspective, the new vantage point that lets you see the bigger picture.

Whatever it is, it allows your head and your heart to align. There's a deep sense of clarity and awareness of what must come next.

When you're in this place, mentally and physically, you have an unfair advantage. You have what no one else does: clarity, and, even more important for your business, courage.

I call it the Sealevel Advantage.

Travel changes minds. From small lifestyle changes like enjoying a type of food you never thought you could to giant global awareness shifts. Those swifts rewire your brain when you’re back at home, understanding daily, mundane yet complex systems in economics, politics, business, and almost all other areas.

Traveling allows you to think in ways that most other people aren’t able. It opens up opportunities of thought and let’s you see the next step where others can’t.

It provides a sense of clarity that in action, translates into courage.

Think of it in the simplest of terms: if you’re in a foreign country, unable to speak the language, you happen to be like me (which means your directional ineptitude often gets you into trouble), and you need to find a place to sleep tonight. You’re lost for a bit, but then your courage kicks into high gear. You’re thinking three steps ahead. You pay attention to bus signs and public transit information, giving you an outline of a route to take. You ask strangers and hope they understand English, or can distinguish the few words in their language you’ve tried to learn. You use every trick for finding your way and you do. If you can do all that, can’t you pretty much do anything?

It certainly feels like you can. And you’ll bring that feeling home. You’ll bring that feeling into your business and to every interaction you have with potential investors, clients, or partners.

It’s in the moments of utter terror turned into self-sufficiency that the real rewiring happens. It’s not just about being out of your comfort zone. Anyone can do that.

It’s about recognizing a lost or undiscovered truth about yourself – you can do anything. Actually. Truly. Anything.

Travel is the only way to discover that truth in yourself. It’s the only time you’re provided with the opportunity to turn your discomfort into self-sufficiency. And when you bring that home with you, you’ll have what no one else does: clarity and courage.

You’ll have the Sealevel Advantage.

When you work with Sealevel Agency, you’re backed by the Sealevel Advantage.

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Sealevel Agency®

Sealevel Agency builds exquisite websites for small businesses with big ideas.


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