10 Reasons New Coaches Need to Prioritize their Website Early in their Business

1. How can you expect to change lives and businesses if you're hiding; only communicating with people you already know? 😲🤔

Well, you can't. Cause duh.

How many people won't find you because you kept putting off building your website? If you hope to grow your business and take it full-time, you're going to have to put yourself out there.

But you know that, because that's what you tell your clients, isn't it? 😳

You have to say your goals out loud. More importantly, you actually have to act on them. Prioritizing your website early on declares your legitimacy and helps you put yourself out there, making the possibility of your getting more clients all the more likely.

2. Your website, when designed well and appropriately complemented with great copy and solid digital marketing efforts, is your most powerful sales tool. 💰💅

When done well, you can use your website as a tool to sell more coaching packages and online programs. An exquisite website delivers a clear path for every viewer to take, guiding them to making a decision to work with you or not. Without a website, or with a bad one, that's your business to lose.

3. Convenience, baby. 😜

Your website can host your appointment booking software, your mailing list opt-in, even your online courses or physical products.

This helps you create systems in your business based on the structure of your website and even helps shoppers have simple and easy experiences with you even before they've scheduled an appointment or agreed to work with you.

Without these systems, your booking process is clunky and confusing, setting up the experience early on, barely giving you a fighting chance.

4. Talking points for both you and your prospective clients.

Have you been on a coffee date or at a networking lunch and been having an off day?Struggling to describe your most basic ideas and approach to coaching?

What if you had simple talking points laid out for you already, even ones people could refer back to later if they forgot something?

While I hate to state the obvious (no I don't 🤷‍♀️), this is the whole purpose of a great website.

All your ideas, information, scheduling software, taglines and slogans, communicated in one place for both you and prospective clients to use.

5. Your website creates a creative and physical framework for the rest of your business.

You have to wear a lot of hats when you're starting your business.

Aside from the actual coaching, you need to be your own accountant, social media manager, writer, business administration, personal assistant, lawyer, tax specialist, brand strategist, photographer, the list could go on forever.

Those jobs don't just go away when you have an exquisite website, but they do get a lot easier.

Your website and messaging are designed to attract your ideal client. Your messaging is honed-in and fine-tuned so you can better understand your own ideas. 💵 💵

When you're doing everything yourself, your ideas get jumbled up when they can't be released.

Your website is the creative and physical space to give your ideas meaning, purpose, and operate as a framework for the rest of your business.

6. The tangibles – ROI, appointment booking, mailing list opt-ins, ability to increase pricing.

These are just a few of the things that are easy to measure with an exquisite website and become obvious when you go from no website or a bad one (often a bad website is worse than none at all) to a great one that works for you.

You start getting more appointments because 1. people can find you and 2. when you meet someone you have a place to point them to schedule an appointment on the spot rather than leaving it up to chance that they follow up with you.

You can build your mailing list, which means you can sell more online or physical products through email marketing, and you can even increase your pricing with your updated curb appeal.

Without a website, where would all this stuff live?

7. The intangibles – competence, legitimacy, reputation, trustworthiness.

These are less easy to measure but arguably more impactful than the tangible things. 🤯

As much as we fight against it, people do in fact judge a book by the cover.

How we present ourselves tells a story that we can be a part of writing or not. We communicate who we are to people every day through even the subtlest of behaviors. What does your current website say about you? Are you communicating your true value?

Do viewers on your website know how much you're worth? Do they know that working with you could change their lives?

Their business – and trust – is yours to lose.

8. Your ideas get a place to live.

You have a lot of ideas swirling around in your head.

Both about the current iteration of your coaching business, and how you're going to grow and scale and take over the world.

Your website gives you a place to not only host all of your ideas in a blog, but also a physical place that represents your progress.

You tell your clients all the time, celebrating the little wins and the symbols that represent gradual progress are huge.

Yours provides you with the awareness of where you are now, and a place to grow and plan for world domination.

9. Opens up a lot more money-making avenues.

Without an online presence, your potential to scale and grow revenue is limited. There's a ceiling to how much you can make offering 1:1 coaching.

With a great website, messaging, and branding all working together, your potential to grow your revenue increases 10x.

An online presence gives you the opportunity to create and promote more products. Maybe you'll offer webinars, online programs and courses, and virtual workshops.

With an exquisite website, the possibilities are endless. Without one, they're pretty limited.

10. Do you practice what you preach?

As a coach, you do follow your own advice? 🤷‍♀️🥺🤔

When you tell your clients to invest in the activities, people, or other businesses that are going to move their life and business into the future, do you listen to yourself and do the same?

When you tell your clients to trust their guts and put themselves out there, do you listen to yourself and do the same? Do you have a website that's going to push your business forward?

Do you bet on yourself and your business to succeed?

How will you take over the world if you don't practice what you preach? You have unique perspectives, that's why you're a coach.

You don't think, draw conclusions, and take action the same as everyone else. That's why you're so good at what you do.

But how will anyone know you're so imperative to their transformation if you don't say so, loudly, publicly, unapologetically?

Shoot me a message 👆👆 if you're ready to practice what you preach. I have a program that's great (read: cheaper than design fees) for new coaches. Let's talk about it. 🥰🥳💰

Sealevel Agency®

Sealevel Agency builds exquisite websites for small businesses with big ideas.


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Is Your Website the Lobby of a Four Seasons Resort or a Holiday Inn Express?