Do you want an exquisite website for 1/27th the price of designers and experts?

Sealevel Agency® is launching a brand new online program to help new coaches and consultants launch their website!

This program is not for the faint of heart, or for the new coach who isn’t ready to commit to her business.

This program is going to take you pulling your hair out trying to DIY your website, to an exquisite website that looks like it was designed by a professional.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Week 1: Design Fundamentals: Design for consumer psychology ($3,600+ value)
Week 2: All Things Squarespace ($800+ value)
Week 3: Copywriting ($1,200+ value)
Week 4: Search Engine Optimization ($1,500+ value)
Week 5: Photography & Imagery ($1,200+ value)
Week 6: Branding & Brand Management ($3,000+ value)
Week 7: Legal: Privacy Policies, Accessibility, and Terms & Conditions ($2,500+value)
Week 8: Launch Guide: You Have an Exquisite Website, Now What? ($1,000+value)

What’s included?

  1. Eight Weeks of Video Lessons to go-at-your-own-pace

  2. Live calls with me to answer questions and provide feedback

  3. Office hours outside of live calls to privately review your progress

  4. Expert guests in each category

  5. Bonus content and video to take deeper dives into each category

  6. A look inside the Sealevel Agency® client experience for free

  7. Free resources for business development

  8. And a whole lot more!


The first week of video lessons will be released on September 1. We’re limiting the number of seats to 12 new coaches and consultants because this is going to be a high-touch course. Allison will be heavily involved in the progress of each site and outcome of each website. Doors to sign up will close on– August 31.

Course enrollment is not on a rolling basis. Anyone not committed by August 31 will need to wait until the next course start date (currently TBD).

As a new coach, do you practice what you preach?

When you tell your clients in invest in the activities, people, or companies that are going to drive their business steadfast into the future, do you take your own advice too?

When you tell your clients to bet on themselves, do you take your own advice too?

Do you practice what you preach? Will you take the necessary steps to drive your business steadfast into the future? Will you bet on yourself, your ability to make shit happen, and your drive to create change?

Or will you wait?

How can you know you can trust me?

Brittany Canaski of Hello Velocity took my 90-minute workshop with Skillpop and used what she learned to create her minimal viable product site. She’ll also be joining in class!

We took some time to go through her site and Allison provided a live audit to show Brittany how making minor tweaks can drive a huge impact. In just 30 minutes, we talk about each week of the course and how it’s going to drive massive results for you and your business.


Want to learn more about the course?

Click the button below to get in touch with Allison and learn more about the new course.

Sealevel Agency®

Sealevel Agency builds exquisite websites for small businesses with big ideas.

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