4 Reasons Why Your Website Isn't Making You Money

I’ve spent years creating websites that sell, and I’ve also seen a lot of websites that… don’t. If your website isn't bringing in new business, you're leaving money on the table. 

Here are some reasons why your website isn’t converting: 

  1. There is no call to action. Half the battle is getting people to your website. Now that they’re there, what do you want people to do? Tell them. Whether it’s downloading a white paper, reaching out to someone from your sales team, or filling out an interest form… make it clear.

  2. You aren’t offering any value. Think about your own habits. If someone asks for your contact information but offers nothing in return, are you going to fill out that contact form? It needs to be a fair exchange. Offer a free download or a free consultation, depending on your industry.

  3. Your web design is outdated. As I’ve mentioned before, outdated websites don’t sell. If your website looks clunky, isn’t mobile friendly, and seems like it hasn’t been updated since the early 2000s or later, people are going to click out of your website before they get to that contact form.

  4. Your offerings aren’t clear. If people can’t figure out what you do within the first few seconds of being on your website, they probably won’t stick around to find out. Being coy won’t bring in as many quality leads as you think it will; you want potential customers to know if you’re aligned before getting on a call — it will save you both a lot of time and resources.

The Sealevel Agency builds effective websites that sell. Schedule a free consultation with us to learn more.
This article was originally published on LinkedIn.

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