Your Corporate Website Should Be Emotional — Here's Why

In addition to social media, your company’s website is one of the first impressions you’ll make on potential clients, customers and employees. While corporations and B2B companies may require a more formal tone throughout their websites, there’s a way to make your corporate website sound professional without being boring. 

Regardless of industry, your website should be approachable, emotional and conversational. These are the types of sites that capture people’s attention, leading to more revenue for your business.

First, let’s define emotional. No, this doesn’t mean your website needs to invoke tears. Emotions are directly related to the psychological journey of your customers. When you can tap into that journey and invoke a positive emotional response, you’re more likely to attract new business and top talent for your organization. You can accomplish this through exceptional web design, functionality and copy.

An emotional website:

Builds a sense of trust

A customer’s trust is essential to new and repeat business. Having a well-designed, user-friendly website will have a positive impact on your business’s credibility. Does your website tell people who you really are and why you’re the best at what you do?

A customer’s trust is essential to new and repeat business. Having a well-designed, user-friendly website will have a positive impact on your business’s credibility. 

Increases conversions

If people are already at ease on your website and are connecting with your brand, they are more likely to fill out your contact form and/or request that white paper. 

Does your website lead visitors to take action that will ultimately lead to more business for your company?

Attracts quality talent

If you’re spending hundreds of dollars on job postings but you have a boring website, it’s time to reevaluate where you’re spending your time and money. Emotional websites sell — not just to your customers, but also to future team members. 

Does your website say anything about the kind of employer you are and why someone would want to work for you?

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Sealevel Agency®

Sealevel Agency builds exquisite websites for small businesses with big ideas.

Your Outdated Website Won't Sell


3 Features Every Website Needs